Fundex Games Games Chicken Coop User Manual

PLAYERS: 2 - 6  
EQUIPMENT NEEDED: One set of double nine dominoes Play proceeds clockwise around the table. If a player cannot  
(55 dominoes) and one electronic Chicken Coop hub. (Hub play a domino from his hand onto the Chicken Coop hub, he  
uses three 1.5volt, LR44 batteries—batteries are included in must draw one domino from the “chicken yard,” and either  
hub, do not mix old and new batteries)  
play it or say “pass” if the drawn domino cannot be played.  
OBJECT: To play all of your dominoes in 10 rounds, and After all six chicken legs have been started from the Chicken  
have the lowest grand total score at the end of the game.  
Coop hub, players may play any of their dominoes (with a  
matching end) on any chicken leg until someone plays a  
SET-UP: The dominoes are shuffled, and each player is double.  
dealt an equal number, based on the number of players.  
(see the chart) The youngest player deals the dominoes in PLAYING A DOUBLE: When any player plays a double he  
the first round.  
must press the center domino in the Chicken Coop hub to  
hear the “Chicken Coop Cluck.” The “clucking” alerts all  
players that a double has been played and all normal play  
is suspended until three “chicken  
toes” are played. When a double is  
laid, it is placed perpendicular to the  
chicken leg (to make a “T” shape).  
The next three dominoes played  
The remaining dominoes are left in a draw area called the  
“chicken yard.” Players should arrange their dominoes so  
they are not visible to other players.  
are chicken toes and they must be  
played on this double (See diagram).  
If a player does not have a domino to  
play as a chicken toe, he must draw  
NOTE: General domino playing instructions. When a domino  
from the chicken yard and either play  
is “played” it means that it is placed so that the dots or “pips” the domino or say “pass” if the domino cannot be played.  
on one end of the domino match the pips on the “open” The job of completing the chicken toes is then passed to the  
domino (the domino on which it is being played). A double next player, and so on. Once the double is complete with  
domino is a domino that has identical ends. When a double three toes, normal play resumes and dominoes may then be  
is played, it is placed horizontally to the open domino, to played on any of the chicken legs or chicken toes.  
form a “T” shape.  
NOTE: If a double is played and there are no more dominoes  
PLAY: The player with the double nine in his hand plays first. in players’ hands or in the “chicken yard,” that can be played  
If no player has the double nine, each player (starting with on the double, the game is blocked. For example, assume  
the player to the left of the dealer) may draw a domino from seven of the 8‘s have already been played, and the double-  
the “chicken yard” until the double nine is found. The double eight is then played. Only two 8‘s remain unplayed. Once  
nine is placed in the center of the Chicken Coop hub. The the remaining two 8‘s are played, the game is blocked and  
player who places the double nine, gets another turn.  
any dominoes remaining in the “chicken yard” need not be  
The next six dominoes that are  
played after the double nine must  
fill in the six spaces ,or “chicken  
legs,” around the Chicken Coop  
hub as shown. One end of each  
of these dominoes must match up  
to the double nine (for example,  
a player could lay one of the  
following dominoes 9-0,9-1, 9-2,  
9-3, 9-4, 9-5, 9-6, 9-7 or 9-8).  
FINISHING A ROUND: The round ends when a player plays  
his last domino or when the game is blocked because no  
other plays can be made and there are no dominoes left  
in the chicken yard. Each player counts the pips (dots) on  
his remaining dominoes to get his score for that round. The  
score for the second round will be added to this, and so on  
until a total score is calculated at the end of the last round.  

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