Ei Electronics Smoke Alarm Ei 204EN User Manual

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Model Ei 204EN  
Model Ei 205EN  
Model Ei 205ENA  
Model Ei 205CEN  
Read and retain carefully for as long as the product is being used. It contains vital information  
on the operation and installation. The leaflet should be regarded as part of the product.  
If you are just installing the unit, the leaflet must be given to the householder. The leaflet is  
to be given to any subsequent user.  
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Power up the unit by smoothly withdrawing the red “pull” tab at the top left hand  
corner of the unit. If the batteries are supplied separately install the three AA  
batteries by sliding the upper cover off as shown in figure 5a page 15.The green,  
red & amber lights will immediately flash in sequence to show they are working  
- this is normal.  
Install the Carbon Monoxide Alarm (CO Alarm) in every room that contains a  
fuel burning appliance, particularly rooms where people spend a lot of time e.g.  
bedrooms, kitchens and sitting rooms.  
In rooms with an appliance, install (preferably) on the ceiling, (300mm from  
walls) and between 1m to 3m horizontally from appliance. In rooms remote from  
the appliance install at breath level, where the light indicators can be seen.  
Regularly check that the green power light flashes every 45 seconds. If the unit  
beeps for at least 1 hour when the green light flashes it has reached it’s end of life  
and must be replaced. (If the ‘Replace by date’ on the side of the unit has not been  
exceeded replace the batteries if accessible).  
Test the unit weekly by pressing the test/hush button-the horn will sound.  
Replace unit after 5 years operation (see ‘Replace by’ date on side wall label).  
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When the CO Alarm detects abnormal levels of CO (above 50ppm CO) the red  
light starts to flash immediately and the horn will sound within 90 minutes. At  
higher levels of CO the alarm will turn on sooner (see table B - page 8).  
The CO Alarm will automatically reset once the CO has cleared. Pressing the  
test/hush button resets the CO Alarm immediately (below 300ppm CO). If CO is  
still present the red light and horn will turn on again after about 4 minutes.  
The CO Alarm is no substitute for keeping chimneys and flues clear and in good  
condition, and all of your appliances serviced regularly according to the  
manufacturer’s instructions.  
Do not fit alarm until all building work is completed to avoid contamination.  
(1) Open the doors and windows to ventilate the area.  
(2) Turn off all fuel appliances where possible and stop using them. (The alarm  
can be silenced immediately by pushing the test/hush button).  
(3) Evacuate the property leaving the doors and windows open.  
(4) Get medical help immediately for anyone suffering the effects of Carbon  
Monoxide poisoning (headache, nausea), and advise that Carbon Monoxide  
poisoning is suspected.  
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(5) Ring your gas or other fuel supplier on their emergency number. Keep the  
number in a prominent place.  
(6) Do not re-enter the property until the alarm has stopped. (If the alarm has been  
silenced by pressing the test/hush button, wait at least 5 minutes so the alarm can  
check that the CO has cleared).  
(7) Do not use the fuel appliances again until they have been checked by an  
expert. In the case of gas appliances this must be a CORGI registered installer.  
3.1 What is Carbon Monoxide ?  
Congratulations on becoming the owner of an Ei Carbon Monoxide Alarm. This will  
help protect you and your household from the dangerous effects of Carbon Monoxide  
- the silent killer. (CO is the chemical symbol, indicating the molecule has one carbon  
atom and one oxygen atom).  
Many are killed each year, and many more suffer ill health from Carbon Monoxide (CO)  
poisoning. CO is an invisible, odourless, tasteless and extremely toxic gas. It is  
produced by appliances and vehicles burning fuels, such as coal, oil, natural/bottled  
gas, paraffin, wood, petrol, diesel, charcoal etc. CO is absorbed by red blood cells in  
the lungs in preference to oxygen - this results in rapid damage to the heart and brain  
from oxygen starvation.  
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High levels of CO in a house can be caused by:  
Incorrectly or poorly installed fuel-burning appliances.  
Blocked or cracked chimneys/flues.  
Blocked vents or draught-proofing which makes areas with fuel burning appliances  
or fireplaces airtight.  
Engines of cars, lawnmowers etc. left running in confined spaces.  
Portable paraffin or gas heaters in badly ventilated rooms.  
3.2 Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning  
Most people know that high levels of CO are harmful, however the period of exposure  
is also important.  
The following symptoms are related to Carbon Monoxide poisoning and should be  
discussed with all members of the household.  
Mild Exposure: Slight headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue (often described as  
“flu-like” symptoms).  
Medium Exposure: Severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, fast heart rate.  
Extreme Exposure: Unconsciousness, convulsions, cardiorespiratory failure, death.  
A high level of CO for a short period (e.g. 350 ppm CO for 30 minutes) will cause the same  
symptoms, a slight headache, as a lower level for a longer time (e.g. 150 ppm for 90 minutes).  
Table A shows how exposure to different concentrations of CO generally affects people.  
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Many cases of reported Carbon Monoxide poisoning indicate that while victims are  
aware they are not well, they become so disorientated that they are unable to save  
themselves by either leaving the building or calling for assistance. Young children and  
household pets may be the first affected.  
Table A: Effects of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning  
of CO in Air  
Inhalation Time (approx) and Symptoms Developed  
The maximum allowable concentration for continuous exposure in any 8 hour period  
according to OSHA *.  
Slight headache after 1.5 hours.  
Slight headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea after 2-3 hours.  
Frontal headaches within 1-2 hours, life threatening after 3 hours, also maximum parts per  
million in flue gas (on an air free basis) according to US Environmental Protection Agency.  
Dizziness, nausea and convulsions within 45 minutes. Unconsciousness within 2 hours.  
Death within 2-3 hours.  
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 20 minutes. Death within 1 hour.  
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 5-10 minutes. Death within 25-30 minutes.  
Headache, dizziness and nausea within 1-2 minutes. Death within 10-15 minutes.  
Death within 1-3 minutes.  
ppm = parts per million  
*OSHA Occupational Safety & Health Association  
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3.3 What happens when your CO Alarm detects Carbon Monoxide ?  
When the Alarm detects potentally dangerous levels of CO, it flashes the red alarm  
light immediately and then sounds a loud alarm if the CO persists.Table B below shows  
how the CO Alarm reacts to different levels of CO gas and exposure time. At higher  
levels of CO the alarm turns on sooner. The rate of flashing of the red light indicates the  
level of CO.  
Table B: CO Alarm Response  
Alarm Light  
Horn On  
CO Level  
0 ppm  
100 ppm  
300 ppm  
Off *  
1 Flash / 2 Seconds  
4 Flashes / 2 Seconds  
8 Flashes / 2 Seconds  
60 to 90 minutes  
10 to 40 minutes  
3 minutes  
* unless it has been in alarm (see CO Alarm Memory below)  
If your CO Alarm sounds follow the instructions on page 4.  
When ventilation is provided by leaving the window and doors open, the CO build up  
may have dissipated by the time help arrives and the alarm may have stopped  
sounding. Although your problem may appear temporarily solved it is crucial that the  
source of the CO is determined and appropriate repairs made.  
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Pre-Alarm: When the alarm detects over 50ppm CO the red light flashes every 2  
seconds. This helps locate CO leaks as the unit gives an indication straight away.  
(Without this feature the CO level would need to be at 50ppm CO for 90 minutes for  
an indication to be given). Note the Pre-Alarm signal may be triggered by CO coming  
for example, from cooking with gas, from car engines or from nearby barbecues. This  
is usually not a concern, unless the Pre-Alarm signal persists until the alarm sounds  
and the CO source is unknown.  
NOTE: The CO Alarm may sound if cigarette smoke is blown into it, or aerosols are  
released nearby.  
CO ALARM MEMORY (Ei205EN, Ei205ENA & Ei205CEN only)  
- Red light is Off – No CO detected since reset or power up.  
- Red light flashes 2 times (in 2 seconds) every 40 seconds, 50 ppm CO detected  
for at least about 90 minutes.  
- Red light flashes 4 times (in 2 seconds) every 40 seconds, 100 ppm CO detected  
for at least about 40 minutes.  
- Red light flashes 8 times (in 2 seconds) every 40 seconds, 300 ppm CO detected  
for at least about 3 minutes.  
When the test button is pressed the horn will sound, and the red light will only flash if  
the unit has previously detected CO and been in alarm. The flash rate indicates the  
level of CO as in Table B.  
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Reset Memory by holding down the test button for over 20 seconds until the red light  
stops flashing. Cover the horn with a cloth to muffle the alarm during this time.  
Please note that the memory will also be reset when the unit is unpowered.  
4.1 Ideally a Carbon Monoxide Alarm should be installed in:  
- Every room containing a fuel burning appliance, and  
- Remote rooms where occupants spend a considerable amount of time  
- Every bedroom.  
However if the number of Carbon Monoxide Alarms is limited, the following points  
should be considered when deciding where best to fit the alarm(s)  
- If there is an appliance in a room where people sleep, place a CO Alarm in this room  
- Locate a CO alarm in a room containing a flueless or open-flued appliance, and  
- Locate an alarm in a room where the occupant(s) spend most of their time (e.g.  
sitting room) and  
- In a bedsit, the CO alarm should be placed as far away from the cooking appliance  
as possible, but near to where the person sleeps and  
- If the appliance is in a room not normally used, such as a boiler room, the CO alarm  
should be placed just outside the room so that the alarm will be heard more easily.  
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4.2 Unsuitable Locations  
Do not place the CO Alarm in any of the following areas.  
(1) In the immediate vicinity of a cooking appliance (keep it at least 1 metre  
horizontally from it).  
(2) Outside the building.  
(3) In an enclosed space (e.g. in or below a cupboard).  
(4) In a damp or humid area.  
(5) Directly above a sink or cooker.  
(6) Next to a door, window, air vent or anywhere that it would be affected by  
(7) Next to an extractor fan.  
(8) Where it would be obstructed, e.g. by curtains or furniture.  
(9) In an area where the temperature could drop below –10°C or rise above 40°C.  
(10) Where dirt or dust could block the sensor.  
(11) Where it could be easily knocked or damaged, or where it could be accidentally  
turned off or removed.  
(12) In a bathroom or other areas where the CO alarm may be exposed to water  
splashes, dripping or condensation (e.g. above an electric kettle).  
(13) Near paint, thinners, solvent fumes or air fresheners.  
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4.31 If locating the CO alarm in a room with a fuel burning appliance (see figure 2)  
• If it is mounted on a wall, it should be located at a height greater than the height of  
any door or window but still be at least 150mm from the ceiling.  
• If it is mounted on the ceiling it should be at least 300mm from any wall or light fitting.  
• The CO alarm should be a horizontal distance of between 1m and 3m from the  
potential CO source.  
• If there is a partition in the room, the CO alarm should be located on the same side  
of the partition as the potential source.  
• In rooms with sloped ceilings, the CO alarm should be located at the high side of the  
room (see fig 3).  
4.32 If locating the CO alarm in a bedroom or in rooms remote from a fuel  
burning appliance (see figure 4)  
• Mount the CO alarm relatively close to the breathing zone of the occupants.  
Whatever position is chosen make sure it is possible to view the three light indicators,  
when in the vicinity of the alarm.  
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CO Alarm  
1 to 3 m  
1 to 3 m  
Figure 2.  
Location in room with a fuel burning appliance  
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CO Alarm  
CO Alarm  
1 to 2m  
Figure 3. Location in rooms with  
sloped ceilings, the CO alarm should  
be located at the high side of the room  
Figure 4. Location in bedrooms &  
other rooms remote from the  
(i.e. at breathing level)  
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WARNING: Do not use the CO Alarm on an intermittent basis, or as a portable detec-  
tor for the spillage of combustion products from fuel burning appliances or chimneys.  
Once you have selected  
a suitable location, power  
up the unit by smoothly  
withdrawing the red  
“PULLtab at the top left  
hand corner of the alarm,  
(see Figure 5b). The  
green, red & amber lights  
will immediately flash in  
sequence to show they  
are working - this is  
Figure 5a  
Once you have selected a suitable location, open the battery compartment by sliding  
up the cover as shown in figure 5a.  
(If the batteries are supplied loose then install the batteries ensuring they are  
orientated correctly as shown in the battery box. The green, red & amber lights will  
immediately flash in sequence to show they are working - this is normal).  
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Mark the position of the two mounting holes by using  
the unit as a template. Drill two holes using a 6mm  
drill for the plastic plugs supplied, (ensure you don’t  
drill into the house wiring). Screw the unit to the wall.  
(Ei205ENA only)  
Check that the CO Alarm can be heard in all the  
bedrooms. If not another CO Alarm should be located  
nearer the bedrooms.  
Model: Ei205ENA  
Figure 5b  
The battery compartment can be made tamperproof by using the white locking rivet  
supplied with the screw pack as follows:  
(i) Remove the battery cover as shown in figure 5a.  
(ii) Remove the post shown in figure 6. Place it on the corner of a table and push  
downwards (note: cover unit with a cloth to prevent the post flying upwards). This  
should leave a neat circular hole.  
(iii) Put the battery cover back on the unit. Insert the white locking rivet into the hole  
and push fully home. See figure 7.  
The battery compartment cannot now be opened unless the rivet is removed first.This can  
be removed by inserting a thin screwdriver or blade under the edge and levering it up.  
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(Note: The Ei205EN, Ei205ENA & Ei205CEN are supplied with 2 locking rivets. Insert  
the other locking rivet similarly after removing the other post).  
Figure 7  
Figure 6  
5.3 INTERCONNECTING (Model Ei205CEN only)  
Up to 12 Ei 205CEN Carbon Monoxide Alarms can be interconnected so that when  
one senses CO, all alarm. This helps to ensure that the alarm will be heard  
throughout the dwelling. Only the unit sensing the toxic gas flashes its red light.  
Low polarised cable is suitable, as the alarms are battery powered. Up to 250 metre  
(820 ft) of wire can be used provided the maximum resistance between any alarm is  
50 ohms.  
Warning: Do not connect these Ei 205CEN Alarms to any other type of Ei Alarm or to  
any other model produced by another manufacturer apart from those specified  
explicitly by Ei Electronics. Doing this may damage the alarms and could result in a  
shock or fire hazard.  
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1. Slide off the battery cover as shown in  
Figure 5a.  
2. On the first unit connect twin core  
cable to the terminals marked 1 and 2 as  
shown in Figure 8 and bring the cable out  
through the hole above the terminal  
3. If they are being surface wired, break  
one of the three knockouts on the rear  
side wall. (We do not recommend  
bringing the wires out the top as cable  
conduit can prevent the battery box  
Figure 8  
4. Screw the unit to the wall using the mounting holes.  
5. Wire all the rest of the alarms similarly ensuring the terminals marked 1 are all  
connected together and that the terminals marked 2 are all connected together.  
6. After installation press each test button (for at least 15 seconds) in turn and ensure  
each interconnected unit sounds within 10 seconds. The light (either green or red) will  
only flash rapidly on the unit with the test button pressed.  
These Carbon Monoxide Alarms should only be interconnected within the confines of a  
single family living unit. If they are connected between different units there may be  
excessive nuisance alarms - everybody may not be aware when they are being tested.  
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Button Test  
It is recommended that you test your CO Alarm after installation and then once a week  
to make sure the unit is working. It will also help you and your family to become  
familiar with the sound of the alarm.  
Press and hold the test button until the alarm sounds (it may take up to 5 seconds)  
and the green or red light flashes. The alarm will stop sounding shortly after the  
button is released. If there is a problem follow the checklist below.  
Power On Indicator  
Regularly check that the green power light flashes every 45 seconds - the unit cannot  
work without a good battery, properly connected.  
Low Battery Indicator  
If the unit beeps and the green light flashes simultaneously every 45 seconds, then the  
three batteries are depleted. Check the ‘Replace by’ label on the side wall - if it has been  
exceeded replace the entire unit. If it has not be exceeded and the batteries are  
accessible (after the battery door is removed - see figure 5a page 15) replace the  
batteries. Use only the following Alkaline AA size batteries: Duracell MN1500,  
Panasonic LR6, GP 15A, Ever Ready LR6 or Energizer E91. (See section 5.2 - page  
16, if the locking rivet(s) has been inserted). Insert the new batteries with the  
orientation shown on the base. Button test the alarm to check the batteries are installed  
correctly and that they are not depleted. Slide back on the cover.  
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(The batteries will usually last over 4 years in standby under normal conditions. An  
undepleted battery can power a unit in alarm for over 100 hours. The life will be  
reduced if the unit regularly goes into alarm or if it is exposed to excessive  
temperatures for long periods).  
Amber Fault Indicator  
If the unit beeps and the amber light flashes simultaneously every 45 seconds the  
self-checking circuitry may have detected a fault. Follow the checklist to see if the unit  
is actually defective.  
Checklist in the event of problems  
Check the ‘pull’ tag has been removed to connect the batteries.  
Check there are three batteries installed with the correct orientation in the battery  
compartment. (If the batteries are accessible remove one battery for 1 minute to reset the  
microcontroller in the unit).  
If the problem persists replace the batteries if they are accessible.  
If none of the above solve the problem the unit is probably defective and must be  
replaced. See “Getting the CO Alarm Serviced Page 28)”.  
Testing with Carbon Monoxide  
The unit can be tested with CO by using one of the kits that comes with CO either in  
a glass phial or aerosol can. Follow the instructions on the kit. It is best if possible to  
inject the CO gas into the gas entry holes, see Figure 5a. When it senses the CO, it  
flashes the red light (as per Table B) to confirm that is detecting CO gas.  
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How to distinguish between CO Alarm and Smoke Alarm warnings  
The CO Alarm has a distinctive on-off sound of 3 pulses, followed by a pause as  
compared with a typical Smoke Alarm which has a rapid pulsing sound.  
In addition, when your CO Alarm detects CO the red light will be flashing.  
Testing both your CO Alarm and Smoke Alarms weekly will help you and your family  
to clearly distinguish between them in an emergency.  
Clean the outside case by occasionally wiping with a clean damp cloth. Do not use any  
cleaning agents, bleaches, detergents or polishes, including those in aerosol cans.  
Avoid spraying air fresheners, hair spray, paint or other aerosols near the CO Alarm.  
Do not place air fresheners near the unit.  
Use the narrow nozzle of a vacuum cleaner to remove fluff and other contamination  
from the cover slots to ensure CO gas can reach the sensor - see Gas Sensor  
positioning shown in figure 5a.  
Caution: Do not paint the CO Alarm.  
Remove the CO Alarm when decorating. Do not allow water or dust to contaminate the  
Warning: Do not open or tamper with the CO Alarm. There are no user serviceable  
parts inside This can damage the unit.  
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End of Life  
When the unit has completed up to 6 years of operation the amber light will flash every  
40 seconds. The entire unit must then be replaced.  
It must also be replaced when the date on the “Replace Unit by” label on the side wall  
is exceeded.  
When the battery is depleted the unit will beep every 45 seconds when the green light  
flashes. The beeps on an Ei205EN or Ei205CEN CO Alarm only may be silenced by  
cutting the wire situated under the cover. See figures 5a & 5b to see how to remove  
the cover and locate the wire. On other units first remove the battery cells.  
Product Disposal  
The crossed out wheelie bin symbol on the product means that it should  
not be put into household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist.  
Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice.  
The date code on the product indicates when the product was manufactured e.g.  
05W40 means week 40 in the year 2005.  
(1) The CO Alarm will not work without good batteries - the green power light must  
flash every 45 seconds. If the battery has been drained the alarm will not give  
protection. Button test the alarm on return from holidays and other long absences.  
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(2) Carbon Monoxide must enter the unit for it to be detected. There may be Carbon  
Monoxide in other areas of the house (e.g. downstairs, in a closed room etc). but not  
in the vicinity of the CO Alarm. Doors, air draughts and obstructions can prevent the  
CO reaching the Alarm. For these reasons we recommend. CO Alarms are fitted both  
near and in bedrooms, particularly if bedroom doors are closed at night. Additionally  
install in rooms where members of the household spend much of their time, and in  
rooms with potential sources of CO gas.  
(3) The CO Alarm may not be heard. The sound output is loud but it may not be heard  
behind a closed door or if it is too far away. Interconnecting CO Alarms greatly  
improves the probability that they will be heard. The Alarm may not wake up  
somebody who has taken alcohol or drugs. The alarm sound may be masked by other  
sounds such as T.V., stereo, traffic noise etc. Fitting CO Alarms on either side of closed  
doors will improve their chance of being heard. This CO Alarm is not designed for  
people with impaired hearing.  
(4) CO Alarms don’t last indefinitely. CO Alarms are sophisticated electronic devices  
with many parts. Although the alarm and its component parts have undergone  
stringent tests, and are designed to be very reliable, it is possible that parts can fail.  
Therefore, you should test your CO Alarm weekly. The CO Alarm must be replaced  
after 5 years operation.  
(5) CO Alarms are not a substitute for life insurance. House-holders are responsible  
for their own insurance. The CO Alarm warns of increasing CO levels, but we do not  
guarantee that this will protect everyone from CO poisoning.  
(6) CO Alarms are not suitable as early warning Smoke Alarms. Some fires produce  
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Carbon Monoxide, but the response characteristics of these CO Alarms are such that  
they would not give sufficient warning of fire. Smoke Alarms must be fitted to give early  
warning of fire.  
The CO Alarm does not detect the presence of natural gas (methane), bottled gas  
(propane, butane) or other combustible gases. Fit combustion gas alarms to detect  
Follow these guidelines to reduce the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.  
(1) Know and look out for tell-tale signs that Carbon Monoxide may be present.  
These include:-  
- The CO Alarm warning of abnormal levels.  
- Staining, sooting or discolouration on or around appliances.  
- A pilot light frequently going out.  
- A strange smell when an appliance is working.  
- A naked gas flame which is yellow or orange, instead of the normal blue.  
- Family members (including pets) exhibiting the “flu-like” symptoms of CO  
poisoning described above.  
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If any of these signs are present get the appliance checked out by an expert  
before further use. If family members are ill get medical help.  
(2) Choose all appliances and vehicles which burn fossil fuels such as coal, oil,  
natural/bottled gas, paraffin, wood, petrol, diesel, charcoal etc. with care and  
have them professionally installed and regularly maintained.  
(3) These appliances must “breathe in” air to burn the fuel properly. Know where the  
air comes from and ensure vents/air bricks etc. remain unobstructed (particular-  
ly after building work).  
(4) The appliances must also “breathe out” the waste gases (including the CO) –  
usually through a flue or chimney. Ensure chimneys and flues are not blocked or  
leaking, and get them checked every year. Check for excessive rust or cracks on  
appliances and pipe work.  
(5) Never leave your car, motor bike or lawnmower engine running in the garage  
with the garage door closed. Never leave the door from the house to the garage  
open if the car is running.  
(6) Never adjust your own gas pilot lights.  
(7) Never use a gas cooker or a barbecue for home heating.  
(8) Children should be warned of the dangers of CO poisoning and instructed never to  
touch, or interfere with the CO Alarm. Do not allow small children to press the  
test/hush button as they could be subjected to excessive noise when the unit alarms.  
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(9) Leaving windows or doors slightly open (even a few inches) will significantly reduce  
the risk of high levels of CO occurring. The high levels of draught-proofing in  
modern houses reduces ventilation and can allow dangerous gases to build up.  
(10) Install CO Alarms in all the areas recommended in this leaflet.  
(11) Recognise that CO poisoning may be the cause when family members suffer from  
“flu-like” symptoms when at home but feel better when they are away for extended  
: Three Alkaline AA type batteries (supplied)  
CO Sensitivity  
: Meets BS EN 50291: 2001.  
Unit operates as per Table B (on page 8).  
: Complies with BS EN 50270  
Test/Hush Button  
: Checks electronics and horn.  
When the unit is alarming, after sensing CO, pressing the test/hush button  
will immediately stop the horn (the red light will continue to flash). If CO is  
still present the red light and the horn will turn on again after about 4  
minutes. The unit can only be silenced once during a CO incident. At 300  
ppm CO the unit cannot be silenced. (With interconnected units, the hush  
only works on the alarm sensing CO).  
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Testing with CO  
Initialisation Time  
: The red light flashes (as per Table B) within 10 seconds of  
unit detecting CO.  
: 70 seconds. On power up red and amber lights flash  
momentarily to show they are operational.  
Operating Temperature : -10°C to 40°C  
Humidity Range  
: 15% to 95% R.H. (non-condensing)  
Audible Alarm  
: 85dB(A) at 3m minimum  
Self Diagnostics  
: Horn beep and amber fault light flashes every 40 seconds if a  
sensor fault is found.  
: Locking Rivet(s) supplied.  
(Ei205CEN only)  
: Up to 12, Ei205CEN Alarms can be interconnected, so  
that when one senses CO, all alarm.  
CO Alarm Memory:  
& Ei205CEN only)  
: A unit will indicate if it has been in alarm previously by  
flashing the red light for 2 seconds every 40 seconds  
(2 flashes for 50 ppm CO, 4 flashes for 100 ppm CO and  
8 flashes, for 300 ppm CO). When the test button is  
pressed the red light flashes as per table B and also  
indicates the previous CO alarm level detected. The  
memory is cleared by holding down the test button until  
the red light stops flashing.  
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End of Life Indication:  
Amber light flashes every 45 seconds after 6 years to  
show the unit must be replaced.  
: 135 x 105 x 71 mm.  
: 260g.  
If your CO Alarm fails to work after you have carefully read all the instructions, checked  
the unit has been installed correctly, and ensured that it has good batteries  
connected (‘pull’ tag should be removed), return it for repair or replacement. This  
should be where it was purchased, or alternatively return it in a padded box to  
“Customer Assistance and Information” at the nearest address given on the CO Alarm  
or in this leaflet. (If the unit is beeping then remove the battery if replaceable or cut the  
end of life wire on the Ei205A shown in figure 5b - page 16). State the nature of the  
fault, where the CO Alarm was purchased, and the date of purchase.  
Ei Electronics guarantees Carbon Monoxide Alarms Models Ei204EN & Ei205EN  
(excluding replaceable batteries) for two years from date of purchase against any  
defects that are due to faulty materials or workmanship.  
Ei Electronics guarantees Carbon Monoxide Alarms Models Ei205ENA & Ei205CEN  
(excluding batteries) for five years from date of purchase against any defects that are  
due to faulty materials or workmanship.  
B15583/R0/204EN&205EN/U&C 8/6/06 1:54 PM Page 29  
These guarantees only apply to normal conditions of use and service, and do not  
include damage resulting from accident, neglect, misuse, unauthorised dismantling, or  
contamination howsoever caused. These guarantees exclude incidental and  
consequential damage. If the Carbon Monoxide Alarm should become defective  
within the guarantee period, it must be returned to where it was purchased or  
alternatively to Ei Electronics, carefully packaged, with the problem clearly stated (see  
section 11 “Getting the CO Alarm Serviced”) along with proof of the date of purchase.  
We shall at our discretion repair or replace the faulty unit.  
B15583/R0/204EN&205EN/U&C 8/6/06 1:54 PM Page 30  
(1) Hold button down firmly for at least 5 seconds.  
(2) Check the ‘pull’ tag is removed and/or the batteries are correctly connected.  
(3) Replace batteries (if they are accessible).  
If the Alarm beeps every 45 seconds and green light flashes at the same time, then  
the unit must be replaced if the ‘Replace by’ date on the side wall has been exceeded. If  
it is not exceeded, and the batteries are accessible, replace the batteries.  
If the Alarm beeps every 45 seconds and amber light flashes at the same time, then  
the unit is probably defective. If the batteries are accessible, disconnect batteries  
and/or press the test button. If problem persists, replace the unit.  
Follow the detailed instructions in section 2. entitled “What to do when the alarm  
sounds” (page 4).  
If there is still problems:  
(1) Ensure there are no fuel burning appliances in the vicinity which could be leaking  
CO gas (e.g. even from next door).  
B15583/R0/204EN&205EN/U&C 8/6/06 1:54 PM Page 31  
(2) Ensure there are no fumes in the area (e.g. paint, thinners, hair spray, chemical  
cleaners aerosol sprays etc).  
(3) Ensure there is no outdoor source of CO in the vicinity (e.g. a car with engine  
running, heavy traffic, heavy air pollution, barbecue fumes etc).  
(4) Press the test/hush button to silence the alarm.  
If the unit continues to sound it is possibly defective and should be replaced (see  
section 11 “Getting the CO Alarm Serviced”).  
On power up the green, red and amber lights turn on in sequence to show they are  
working. THIS IS NORMAL.  
AMBER LIGHT FLASHING (every 45 seconds):  
The unit has been operating for 6 years and must be replaced.  
B15583/R0/204EN&205EN/U&C 8/6/06 1:54 PM Page 32  
Ei Electronics  
Shannon, Co. Clare, Ireland.  
Tel: (061) 471277 Fax: (061) 471053  
Aico Ltd.  
Mile End Business Park, Maesbury Rd, Oswestry,  
Shropshire, SY10 8NN,  
U.K. Tel: 0870 7584000 Fax: 0870 7584010  
© Ei Electronics 2005  
P/N B15583Rev 0  

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