Bosch Appliances Webcam 0 User Manual

DCN Next Generation  
Video Display  
en Software User Manual  
LBB 4184/00  
DCN Next Generation Video Display  
en | 3  
Table of contents  
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1 Video Display  
Since Microsoft launched Windows XP service  
pack 2 it is not possible to use DDE in a  
network. To workaround you have to convert  
the DDE locally to another protocol and  
transport this over the network to the PC where  
the VD Client is running.  
The VD Client at Bosch Security Systems  
Extranet does run on a Windows XP service  
pack 2 network.  
1.1 About Video Display  
1.1.1 What is Video Display?  
The Video Display module is one of the software  
modules designed to be used in conferences and  
discussions using the contribution equipment.  
Its function is to interface the software with  
conference video displays. The Video Display  
module provides a means of displaying conference-  
related information on video displays located in the  
conference venue. The information can consist of  
text, numbers and graphical elements like bar charts.  
All the information displayed is generated by other  
modules, and it is not possible to alter this  
Video Display is unlike all other modules in that  
there is no user action required to operate it. It  
carries out its function - interfacing the software with  
video displays - automatically. This document is  
therefore not a user manual but a reference manual.  
It gives information on the DDE information which  
is the protocol used to transport the information from  
the Video Display module to the Video Client.  
information in Video Display.  
If information is to be displayed on video  
displays, data must be converted within the  
DCN Next Generation control PC or  
transferred to a separate PC via an ethernet  
To use Video Display, it is necessary to have a Video  
Display (VD) Client application. The VD Client  
application receives the information which is passed  
to it from the Video Display (server) module. The  
user can change settings related to how information is  
displayed on the video screens, such as text or  
background colours. This can be carried out either  
during or after installation of the VD Client software.  
Video Display information is available via the  
windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)  
A VD Client software is available at the Bosch  
Security Systems Extranet or at your dealer.  
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2 Starting and exiting Video  
The Video Display server is started from the Startup  
screen of the PC that will act as DDE server. This is  
shown below:  
Figure 1 The Startup screen  
Video Display does not have a window and is  
always iconized in the Taskbar.  
The Video Display icon  
For details on the Video Display icon and how to  
start Video Display from Startup, please refer to  
paragraph 3.2.2 Opening other modules from Startup’  
of the Startup user manual.  
2.1 Exiting Video Display  
To exit Video Display:  
Click once with the right mouse button on the  
‘Video’ icon.  
Select ‘Close’ from the menu which appears.  
You will exit Video Display on the DDE server.  
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3 DDE links  
3.1 Introduction  
The DCN Next Generation Video Display application LBB 4184 provides DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange)  
links. Through these links external programs that have DDE client capability can access information regarding  
the congress. The DDE server implemented in the Video Display application is a so-called “hot” DDE server.  
This means that the server refreshes the DDE links whenever there is new data available. The DDE client  
does not need to ask for an update. The DDE links are also made available as NETDDE links so other PCs  
connected to the DCN Next Generation PC through a MS-Windows compatible network can access the  
information too. Some DCN Next Generation DDE links can transmit large amounts of data. A DDE client  
that wants to access DCN Next Generation DDE links must be able to deal with DDE datablocks up to 64  
kilobyte in size. The VD application must be started by the user before the DDE links can be used.  
3.1.1 DDE link naming conventions  
A DDE link name consists of 3 parts:  
1. The service name: This is the name used to address the DDE server. For DCN Next Generation  
this name will always be “DCNNG”.  
2. The topic name: This name identifies the class of data that must be transported across the DDE  
link. For DCN Next Generation links the topic indicates which DCN Next Generation application  
shall provide the data.  
3. The data-item name: Topics may have more than one data-item at their disposal. This name  
identifies which data-item must be sent through the link.  
Example: To query the voting number  
DDE link:  
3.1.2 NETDDE link naming conventions  
NETDDE link names are derived from the normal DDE link name in the following manner:  
1. The service name is replaced by “\\<servername>\NDDE$”. <Servername> is the network name  
of the PC on which the Video application is running. (This name is determined by the Network  
applet in the Windows Control Panel.)  
2. The topic name is replaced by “DCNNG_<topic>$”. <Topic> is the same topic name for the link  
as used for regular DDE.  
3. The data-item name is the same as for regular DDE.  
Example: The same link is described as in the example above, this time provided by a PC that has  
the network name “VIDEO_SERVER”.  
NETDDE link:  
The NETDDE part in the previous example is given in MS-Excel syntax. Other DDE client applications  
might require a slightly different syntax especially for the | and ! characters and the quotes that separate the  
different parts of the link-name. Refer to the documentation of your DDE client application for the exact  
syntax required by your application.  
The NETDDE is not supported in Windows XP Service Pack 2. Therefore DDE should be converted  
locally and then send over the network.  
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3.2 DDE link specifications  
The following section specifies, for each available DDE link, the name and its purpose, the layout of the data  
and the requirements that must be met to make the link available.  
If a link is available but does not have any data to transmit, each link will send an empty update. Empty  
updates consist of empty strings for string parts and/or 0 (zero) values for numerical parts.  
Because commas are used as a separator in DDE links that transmit data consisting of several parts,  
undefined behavior may occur if any string part transmitted through such a DDE link contains commas.  
3.2.1 Topic = SESSION  
Topic = SESSION, data-item = NAMES  
This link provides the screen line information for each delegate in the current names file.  
“delegate ID, screen line, delegate ID, screen line, ...”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
be generated by either the DB application or using the API  
delegate ID  
screen line  
‘Delegate ID’ and ‘Screen line’ are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again  
separated by commas.  
This link is always available. If there is a names file, the string as described above is sent whenever a change  
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty, an empty update is sent.  
Topic = SESSION, data-item = GROUPS  
This link provides group information for each delegate in the current names file.  
“delegate ID, group name, delegate ID, group name, ...”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.  
The name of the group for this delegate as determined by the  
names fil. If the delegate is not associated with a group this part is  
delegate ID  
group name  
Delegate ID and group name are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again  
separated by commas.  
This link is always available. If there is a names file the string as described above is sent whenever a change  
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty an empty update is sent.  
Topic = SESSION, data-item = COUNTRIES  
This link provides country information for each delegate in the current names file.  
“delegate ID, country name, delegate ID, country name, ...”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate ID  
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delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.  
the name of the country for this delegate as determined by the  
names file. If the delegate is not associated with a country this  
part is empty.  
country name  
Delegate ID and country name are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again  
separated by commas.  
This link is always available. If there is a names file the string as described above is sent whenever a change  
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty an empty update is sent.  
Topic = SESSION, data-item = AUTH  
This link provides authorization information for each delegate in the current names file.  
“delegate ID, authorization, delegate ID, authorization, ...”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID_number.  
a number that represents the authorizations the delegate has. It  
will be the sum of 1 or more of the following numbers:  
delegate ID  
For no authorization  
For microphone authorization  
For voting authorization  
For intercom authorization  
Delegate ID and authorization are separated by commas. This sequence is repeated for each delegate, again  
separated by commas.  
In this example delegate 1 has microphone and intercom authorization. Delegate 2 only has voting  
This link is always available. If there is a names file the string as described above is sent whenever a change  
in the delegate database occurs. If there is no names file or the names file is empty an empty update is sent.  
3.2.2 Topic = VOTING  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = NUM  
Supplies the number of the current vote.  
A decimal number in the range 1-9999.  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = NAME  
Supplies the name of the current vote.  
A string of at most 20 characters.  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = SUBJECT  
Supplies the motion subject text of the current vote.  
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A string of at most 132 characters containing the 4 lines of the subject text, without separators between them.  
(If there are commas in the string they are part of the subject text.)  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set  
to “On”.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = KIND  
Supplies the type of the current vote.  
A string containing one of the following texts (or their translations if DCN Next Generation is installed in  
another language):  
“Audience Response”  
“Multiple Choice”  
“Opinion Poll”  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWLEG  
Supplies the legends of the possible answers in a vote.  
A string containing the legend texts separated by commas. Each legend is at most 10 characters long.  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWTXT  
Supplies the full descriptive texts of the possible answers in a multiple choice or opinion poll vote.  
“fixed_legend 1, answer_legend 1, description 1,  
fixed_legend 2, answer_legend 2, description 2,  
The legend as shown on the LCD’s. The fixed legend consist of a  
single character.  
The legend of the answer as shown on the numeric hall -displays.  
Each answer legend is at most 10 characters long.  
The full description of the answer. The description is at most 66  
characters (2 lines of 33 characters without separators).  
fixed_legend X  
answer_legend X  
description X  
A multiple choice or opinion poll vote is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set  
to “On”.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWCOR  
Indicates which of the possible answers in a multiple choice vote is/are correct and which is/are false.  
“legend 1, value 1, legend 2, value 2, ...”  
the legend of the answer  
The digit “1” if this is a correct answer or digit “0” otherwise.  
legend X  
value X  
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A multiple choice vote is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = DISPSET  
Indicates the display settings as they are used for the voting results window.  
“two results, answers”  
The digit “1” if there are two results displayed on the graphical  
user interface or “0” otherwise.  
The digit “1” if the answer display is on or digit “0 otherwise.  
two results  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the result-windows is enabled.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = STATE  
Indicates the current state of the vote.  
“statestring, statenr”  
‘Stop’, ‘Start’ or ‘Hold’ (contents depends on the GUI language).  
0, 1 or 2 ( 0 = Start, 1 = Stop, 2 = Hold ).  
After a restart is issued the link will send “Start” instead of “Restart”. “Start” should be interpreted as  
“Vote is in progress”.  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RVT  
Indicates the remaining vote time when a voting timer is used.  
A string containing the remaining vote time in seconds, or empty  
if no voting timer is used.  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ROLLCALL  
Indicates which delegate is voting when roll call voting is taking place.  
“seat number, screen line”  
The seat number of the delegate.  
seat number  
screen line  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
be generated by either the DB application or using the API If no  
roll call vote is underway an empty string is sent.  
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At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = TOTGRP##  
Returns the number of delegates participating in a vote for group number ##.  
“group name, present, not voted”  
the name of group number ##.  
group name  
## is a number in the range 0-32. If 0 is used the group name is  
always “ALL” and the other fields refer to the total number  
present and not voted.  
the number of delegates in this group who are present  
indication how many did not vote.  
not voted  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
“On”. Unless TOTGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSGRP##  
Returns for all possible answers the number of delegates in group ## who selected that answer.  
“group name, legend 1, votes 1, legend 2, votes 2, ...”  
group name  
the legend text of answer X  
the number of delegates in the group who selected that answer.  
legend X  
votes X  
At least one of the voting applications is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
“On”. Unless ANSGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = VOTGRP##  
Returns for group ## the total percentage in an Audience Response or Rating vote.  
“group name, percentage”  
group name  
a value from 0.0 to 100.0  
Audience Response or Rating vote is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to  
“On”. Unless VOTGRP0 is requested the vote must be an open vote.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = IRES  
Returns the selected answer for each delegate. (Individual voting results.)  
“delegate ID, legend, delegate ID, legend, ...”  
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a number in the range 1-1500 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each delegate has a unique ID-number.  
the legend text of the selection made by that delegate.  
delegate ID  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
The vote must be an open vote.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESWIN#  
Returns the contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen.  
“num, group name, present legend, present, not voted legend, not voted,  
the voting number. A decimal number in the range 1-9999.  
the name of the group currently displayed.  
the legend text of the “Present” string.  
group name  
present legend  
the number of delegates present for this group.  
the legend text of the “Not voted” string.  
not voted legend  
not voted  
the number of delegates who have not voted in this group.  
a percentage ranging from 0.0-100.0 if it is an Audience  
Response or Rating vote and the display style is set to “Results  
per vote for group/total”. In all other cases the ‘answers’ field  
looks like:  
“legend 1, votes 1, legend 2, votes 2, ...”  
the answer legend  
the corresponding result  
legend X  
votes X  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESQUO#  
Returns the quorum contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen. Will only return data  
if quorum enabled and not equal ‘none’.  
“required quorum, authorized present”  
the number of delegates which must be present.  
required quorum  
the number of delegates present with voting authorization.  
authorized present  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting and if quorum is enabled.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESMAJ#  
Returns the majority contents of Results window 1 (# = 1) or 2 (# = 2) on the PC screen. Will only return data  
if majority enabled and not equal ‘none’.  
“required majority, majority”  
the number of delegates which must approve the voting before  
the voting can be accepted.  
the number of delegates which approve the voting.  
required majority  
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At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting and if majority is enabled.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESAPPR  
Returns whether or not the current (active in control window) voting is approved.  
“voting result”  
this will be empty if the vote is running.  
voting result  
When the vote is stopped it will contain the result of the voting.  
I.e. “YES” if the quorum is reached (if quorum is used) and  
majority is reached. Otherwise “NO” will be returned.  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting, motion approved text enabled, majority is enabled  
and the majority name not equal ‘none’.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ACTQUO  
Returns the actual data regarding the quorum settings. Will only return data if majority enabled and not equal  
“quorum name, required quorum, authorized delegates”  
the name of the quorum calculation algorithm currently used. A  
string of at most 10 characters.  
quorum name  
the number of delegates which must be present.  
the number of delegates present with voting authorization.  
required quorum  
authorized delegates  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting and if quorum is enabled.  
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ACTMAJ  
Returns the actual data regarding the majority settings. Will only return data if majority enabled and not equal  
“majority name, required majority, majority”  
the name of the majority calculation algorithm currently used. A  
string of at most 10 characters.  
majority name  
the number of delegates which must approve the voting before  
the voting can be accepted.  
required majority  
the number of delegates which approve the voting.  
At least one voting application is running and the Hall Display setting in the voting application is set to “On”.  
Only for Parliamentary and For/Against kind of voting and if majority is enabled.  
3.2.3 Topic = MICRO  
Topic = MICRO, data-item = MIC##  
Returns information on the microphones that are currently ON. ## is in the range 1-19.  
“delegate ID, screen line, speechtime”  
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A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
be generated by either the DB application or using the API  
the remaining or elapsed speechtime for this delegate, depending  
on the speechtime setting in Microphone Management Control.  
delegate ID  
screen line  
This DDE link combines all “speaking delegates” from the notebook and the speaker-list. E.g. if two  
notebook and three regular delegates are speaking, links MIC1 and MIC2 return the notebook delegates  
and links MIC3 to MIC5 return the regular delegates in the same order as they would appear in  
Microphone Management. The first speaking delegate in the notebook in Microphone Management is  
MIC1. The last delegate in the speaker-list is MIC5.  
Either Synoptic Microphone Control or Microphone Management is running.  
Topic = MICRO, data-item = RTS##  
Returns information about the microphones that are currently in the request list. ## is the position in the  
request list (range 1 to <length of request list>). The request list can contain a maximum of 100 delegates.  
“delegate ID, screen line”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
be generated by either the DB application or using the API  
delegate ID  
screen line  
Either Synoptic Microphone Control or Microphone Management is running.  
Topic = MICRO, data-item = RTSL  
Returns information about the last entry in the request list.  
“delegate ID, screen line”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate ID  
screen line  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
be generated by either the DB application or using the API  
Either Synoptic Microphone Control or Microphone Management is running.  
Topic = MICRO, data-item = CR#  
Returns information about the microphones that are currently in the response request list. # is the position in  
the request list (range 1 to 5).  
“delegate ID, screen line”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.  
Text of 33 characters which idientifies the delegate as text. Can  
delegate ID  
screen line  
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be generated by either the DB application or using the API  
Either Synoptic Microphone Control or Microphone Management is running.  
3.2.4 Topic = ATTREG  
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = TOTALS  
Returns the number of delegates who are registered by the Attendance Registration application.  
“present text, number present, absent text, number absent”  
the string “Present” or the translation if the DCN Next  
Generation is not installed in English.  
present text  
the number of delegates registered as present by Attendance  
the string “Absent” or the translation if the DCN Next  
Generation is not installed in English.  
number present  
absent text  
the number of delegates not registered as present by Attendance  
number absent  
The Attendance Registration application is running and any form of Attendance Registration is enabled.  
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = ATTEND  
Returns the absent/present status and current seat number for each delegate.  
“delegate ID 1, seat number 1, status 1, delegate ID 2, seat number 2,  
status 2, ...”  
A number in the range 1-1000 that identifies the delegate in the  
delegate database. Each number has a unique ID number.  
The seat number of the delegate.  
the text “Present” or “Absent” depending on whether the  
delegate is registered as present by the Attendance Registration  
application. In non-English versions of DCN Next Generation  
the texts “Present” and “Absent” are replaced with the  
appropriate translation.  
delegate Id X  
seat number X  
status X  
The Attendance Registration application is running and any form of Attendance Registration is enabled.  
3.2.5 Topic = MESSAGE  
Topic = MESSAGE, data-item = HALL  
Returns the last message sent to the hall display by the Message Distribution application.  
A string containing the message text without any separators. 132 characters maximum.  
The Message Distribution application is running.  
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For more information please visit  
© 2005 Bosch Security Systems B.V.  
Data subject to change without notice  
January 2005 | 9922 141 70451  

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