Philips Food Processor HD2060 User Manual

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User manual  
1 Important  
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)  
Conformity with national standards  
2 Introduction  
3 What’s in the box  
4 Overview  
5 Cleaning before ꢀrst use  
6 Use the appliance  
Make soymilk  
Make ꢀve-grain soymilk  
Make rice paste  
Make juice  
Keep warm  
7 Cleaning  
Easy clean  
8 Product information  
9 Recycling  
10 Guarantee and service  
11 Troubleshooting  
12 Recipes  
Five grain soymilk  
Rice paste  
Never use the appliance for dry  
Never add contents (including  
water) above ഌට໎ (the  
maximum level indication) or  
below ༳ට໎ꢀ(the minimum  
level indication).  
If the power cord, the plug, or  
other parts are damaged, do  
not use the appliance.  
1 Important  
Read this user manual carefully  
before you use the appliance, and  
save the user manual for future  
Before processing:  
Before you insert the plug into  
the power outlet, make sure  
that the appliance is assembled  
If the power cord is damaged,  
you must have it replaced  
by Philips, a service centre  
authorised by Philips or similarly  
qualiꢀed persons to avoid a  
Make sure that your hands are  
dry before you insert the plug  
into the power outlet.  
Before you connect the  
appliance to the power, make  
sure that the voltage indicated  
on the bottom of the appliance  
corresponds to the local power  
This appliance can only be used  
with a grounded plug. Make  
sure that the plug is ꢀrmly  
inserted into the power outlet.  
Never connect this appliance  
to a timer switch, to avoid a  
hazardous situation.  
Make sure that you clean the  
appliance before use (see the  
“Cleaning before ꢀrst use”  
section on Page 9).  
Do not replace parts of the  
appliance yourself.  
This appliance is not intended  
for use by persons (including  
children) with reduced physical,  
sensory or mental capabilities,  
or lack of experience and  
knowledge, unless they have  
been given supervision or  
instructions concerning use  
of the appliance by a person  
responsible for their safety.  
For their safety, do not allow  
children to play with the  
Make sure that the water you  
add into the soymilk maker is no  
hotter than 70°C.  
This appliance is intended for  
household use only.  
Do not use this appliance to  
heat up soymilk or other liquid  
After processing:  
During processing:  
Disconnect the power before  
you continue other operations.  
Disconnect the power and  
remove the power cord before  
cleaning or disassembling this  
Do not use this appliance on an  
unstable or uneven surface.  
Keep the appliance and its  
power cord out of the reach of  
Never let the appliance run  
Do not touch the steam or the  
metal parts of the appliance, to  
avoid burns or scalding.  
To prevent steam scalding,  
keep a certain distance from  
the soymilk maker before you  
lift the head unit.  
Install, remove, and clean the  
perforated ꢁow cup with care.  
The blade on the head unit  
is sharp. Be careful not to cut  
yourself or others.  
To prevent a short circuit or an  
electric shock,  
Do not disconnect the power  
cord or remove the head unit  
before processing is complete.  
If you have to stop processing,  
disconnect the power cord  
before you perform other  
If there is a power outage  
during processing and this  
lasts up to three minutes, do  
not immediately restart the  
soymilk maker. Empty the  
contents in the soymilk maker,  
and then put in new contents  
before restarting. Otherwise,  
the contents will stick to the  
chamber or overꢁow, or the  
appliance will set off a long  
do not use water to rinse  
the outside of the chamber  
unit or head unit (including  
the head unit handle,  
control panel, upper plug,  
upper plug connector, and  
the power cord connector)  
and keep them away from  
drip or splash;  
do not place the head unit  
in water; and  
do not place the base of the  
soymilk maker in water.  
Use a microwave to heat up  
cold soymilk. Do not use this  
appliance to heat it, as the  
contents will stick to the inner  
side of the chamber.  
Store the power cord in a cool  
and dry place.  
To prevent an electric shock,  
use the power cord to connect  
other appliances.  
Food coloring can discolor  
components. This is normal and  
has no impact on use.  
Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)  
This Philips soymilk maker  
complies with all standards  
regarding electromagnetic ꢀelds  
(EMF). If handled properly and  
according to the instructions in  
this user manual, the appliance  
is safe to use based on scientiꢀc  
evidence available today.  
Conformity with national  
GB4706. 1-2005, “Safety of  
household and similar electrical  
appliances”, Part 1 General  
GB4706. 19-2008, “Safety  
of household and similar  
electrical appliances”, Particular  
requirements for appliances for  
heating liquids  
GB4706. 30-2008, “Safety  
of household and similar  
electrical appliances”, Particular  
requirements for kitchen  
2 Introduction  
3 What’s in the box  
Congratulations on your purchase  
and welcome to Philips! To fully beneꢀt  
from the support that Philips offers,  
register your product at  
Head unit  
Chamber unit  
Philips soymilk maker HD2060 can  
be used to make beverages and food  
such as soymilk, ꢀve-grain soymilk,  
rice paste, and juice. It comes with  
keep warm and easy clean functions,  
and it equips with anti-overꢁow and  
anti-splash protective device. It is  
fully automated, easy to use, healthy,  
attractive, and durable.  
ꢁow cup  
Power cord  
Measuring cup  
User manual  
Warranty card  
Do not change the ꢀlter direction.  
The convex ꢀlter is a special design  
from Philips, which makes ꢀltering  
much more efꢀcient.  
a Handle of the head unit  
4 Overview  
b Control panel  
Function buttons:  
࿎ᄸ (Select)  
ၢ౦༥ (Easy clean)  
 (Five-grain soymilk)  
 (Rice paste)  
ൺ৓ႆ (Juice)  
ቘᇓ (Working)  
А໕ (Keep warm)  
ၢ౦༥ (Easy clean)  
c Overꢁow sensor  
Monitor soymilk and prevent  
d Blade  
e Lower part of the head unit  
f Upper plug  
g Perforated ꢁow cup  
Increase the ꢁow rate and make  
soymilk well balanced  
h Chamber unit  
i Base  
j Protective cover of the power cord  
k Power cord connector  
l Chamber handle  
m Upper plug connector  
5 Cleaning before 6 Use the  
first use  
Method 1:  
If you wish to cancel a function once  
it is selected, do not lift the head unit  
to prevent the facial scalding. You can  
unplug the power cord, re-plug it, and  
then select another function.  
1 Pour boiling water into the chamber,  
put the head unit into the chamber,  
and soak for 10 minutes.  
Make soymilk  
Measure ingredients as instructed.  
You can adjust the quantity a bit as  
per your personal taste.  
For 2-4 people.  
2 Clean the appliance (see the  
"Cleaning" section on Page 16).  
Make sure that the perforated ꢁow  
cup is installed correctly before use.  
Method 2:  
1 Make soymilk following the  
instructions in the “Make soymilk”  
1 Take a cup of dry soybeans with the  
supplied measuring cup and wash  
them clean.  
2 After soymilk is made, pour it away  
and then clean the appliance (see the  
“Cleaning” section on Page 16).  
To increase the life of the blade,  
soak the soybeans (8-9 hours  
in fall and spring, 6-7 hours in  
summer, and 9-10 hours in  
winter) and wash them clean  
before processing.  
2 Install the perforated ꢁow cup and  
rotate it to the correct position, as  
shown in the illustration.  
6 Open the protective cover, insert the  
power cord, and connect the power.  
» Make sure that it cannot be pulled  
» The indicators ꢁash in a circle,  
indicating that the power is  
3 Put the soybeans evenly at the  
bottom of the chamber to prevent  
them from touching the perforated  
ꢁow cup.  
4 Pour water into the chamber.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎ (the  
minimum level indication).  
7 Press ࿎ᄸ (Select) to select 
» The 
indicator lights up.  
8 Press
» The 
ቘᇓ (Working) indicator  
ꢁashes and 1 beep occurs,  
indicating that processing starts.  
After about 24 minutes, 6 beeps  
occur and the А໕ (Keep warm)  
indicator lights up, indicating  
that soymilk is ready. If no other  
operations are performed,  
5 Put the head unit into the chamber.  
Make sure that the upper plug is  
correctly inserted into the connector.  
the appliance starts the keep  
warm function. The keep warm  
function lasts for 1 hour, and then  
automatically stops (see the "Keep  
warm" section on Page 15).  
10 EN  
winter) and wash them clean  
before processing.  
2 Install the perforated ꢁow cup and  
rotate it to the correct position, as  
shown in the illustration.  
9 After processing, disconnect the  
power. Hold the handle of the  
chamber tightly with one hand and  
lift the head unit with the other hand.  
» Make sure that it cannot be  
pulled off.  
10 Filtrate soymilk with the ꢀlter, and it  
is ready to serve. You can add some  
sugar before serving.  
3 Put rice and the soybeans evenly  
at the bottom of the chamber to  
prevent them from touching the  
perforated ꢁow cup.  
Soymilk can also be served  
without being ꢀltrated.  
4 Pour water into the chamber.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎ (the  
minimum level indication).  
Make ꢀve-grain soymilk  
Measure ingredients as instructed.  
You can adjust the quantity a bit as  
per your personal taste.  
Example recipe: rice and soy bean  
milk, for 2-4 people.  
To shorten the processing time,  
you can add warm water no hotter  
than 70§.  
Make sure that the perforated ꢁow  
cup is installed correctly before use.  
5 Put the head unit into the chamber.  
Make sure that the upper plug is  
1 Take 30 g of soybeans (around  
1/2 cup) and 50 g of rice (around  
1/2 cup) with the supplied measuring  
cup and wash them clean.  
correctly inserted into the connector.  
To increase the life of the blade,  
soak the soybeans (8-9 hours  
in fall and spring, 6-7 hours in  
summer, and 9-10 hours in  
EN 11  
6 Open the protective cover, insert the  
9 After processing, disconnect the  
power. Hold the handle of the  
power cord, and connect the power.  
chamber tightly with one hand and  
lift the head unit with the other hand.  
» The indicators ꢁash in a circle,  
indicating that the power is  
10 Pour ꢀve-grain soymilk into the  
soymilk cup, and it is ready to serve.  
You can also add some sugar before  
7 Press ࿎ᄸ (Select) to select
 (Five-grain soymilk).  
Make rice paste  
» The
soymilk) indicator lights up.  
Measure ingredients as instructed.  
You can adjust the quantity a bit as  
per your personal taste.  
8 Press
» The 
ቘᇓ (Working) indicator  
ꢁashes and 1 beep occurs,  
Example recipe: lily bulb and  
indicating that processing starts.  
After about 25 minutes, 6 beeps  
occur and the А໕ (Keep warm)  
indicator lights up, indicating  
Jobs-tears rice paste, for 2-4 people.  
Make sure that the perforated ꢁow  
cup is installed correctly before use.  
that soymilk is ready. If no other  
operations are performed,  
the appliance starts the keep  
warm function. The keep warm  
function lasts for 1 hour, and then  
automatically stops (see the “Keep  
warm” section on Page 15).  
1 Take 35 g of Job’s-tears and 35 g of  
rice (around 2/5 cup each) with the  
supplied measuring cup, take 20 g of  
fresh lily bulbs (around 7-8 pieces),  
and wash them clean.  
12 EN  
2 Install the perforated ꢁow cup and  
rotate it to the correct position, as  
shown in the illustration.  
6 Open the protective cover, insert the  
power cord, and connect the power.  
» Make sure that it cannot be  
pulled off.  
» The indicators ꢁash in a circle,  
indicating that the power is  
3 Put the lily bulbs, Jobs-tears, and rice  
evenly at the bottom of the chamber  
to prevent them from touching the  
perforated ꢁow cup.  
4 Pour water into the chamber.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎ (the  
minimum level indication).  
7 Press ࿎ᄸ (Select) to select  
 (Rice paste).  
» The ႓ဥૠ
 (Rice paste)  
indicator lights up.  
To shorten the processing time,  
you can add warm water no hotter  
than 70§.  
8 Press
» The 
ቘᇓ (Working) indicator  
ꢁashes and 1 beep occurs,  
indicating that processing starts.  
After about 25 minutes, 6 beeps  
occur and the А໕ (Keep warm)  
indicator lights up, indicating  
that soymilk is ready. If no other  
operations are performed,  
the appliance starts the keep  
warm function. The keep warm  
function lasts for 1 hour, and then  
automatically stops (see the “Keep  
warm” section on Page 15).  
5 Put the head unit into the chamber.  
Make sure that the upper plug is  
correctly inserted into the connector.  
EN 13  
9 After processing, disconnect the  
power. Hold the handle of the  
chamber tightly with one hand and  
lift the head unit with the other hand.  
3 Put the banana cubes evenly at the  
bottom of the chamber to prevent  
them from touching the perforated  
ꢁow cup.  
4 Pour 200 ml of milk and some water  
into the chamber. Make sure that the  
water level is between ഌට໎ (the  
maximum level indication) and ༳ට  
(the minimum level indication).  
10 Pour rice paste into the soymilk cup,  
and it is ready to serve. You can add  
some sugar before serving.  
Make juice  
Measure ingredients as instructed.  
You can adjust the quantity a bit as  
per your personal taste.  
Example recipe: banana juice, for 2-4  
5 Put the head unit into the chamber.  
Make sure that the upper plug is  
correctly inserted into the connector.  
Make sure that the perforated ꢁow  
cup is installed correctly before use.  
1 Cut 3 bananas (about 400 g) into  
6 Open the protective cover, insert the  
1.3-mm cubes.  
power cord, and connect the power.  
2 Install the perforated ꢁow cup and  
rotate it to the correct position, as  
shown in the illustration.  
» Make sure that it cannot be  
pulled off.  
14 EN  
» The indicators ꢁash in a circle,  
indicating that the power is  
After banana juice is ready, serve at  
once to avoid oxidization.  
If you want to make juice multiple  
times, wait about 10 minutes until  
the appliance cools down before  
the next use. This makes the  
appliance more durable.  
7 Press ࿎ᄸ (Select) to select  
ൺ৓ႆ (Juice).  
Keep warm  
» The 
ൺ৓ႆ (Juice) indicator  
lights up.  
After soymilk, rice paste, puree, or corn  
juice is made, 6 beeps occur and the  
А໕ (Keep warm) indicator lights up. If  
no other operations are performed, the  
appliance starts the keep warm function.  
The keep warm function lasts for 1 hour,  
and then automatically stops.  
8 Press
» The 
ቘᇓ (Working) indicator  
ꢁashes and 1 beep occurs,  
indicating that processing starts.  
After about 4 minutes, 6 beeps  
occur, indicating that juice is  
9 After processing, disconnect the  
If you lift the head unit as soon as  
processing is complete, the appliance  
does not start the keep warm  
power. Hold the handle of the  
chamber tightly with one hand and  
lift the head unit with the other hand.  
The appliance does not start the  
keep warm function at the  
completion of juice making.  
10 Pour banana juice into the soymilk  
cup, and it is ready to serve. You can  
add some sugar before serving.  
EN 15  
3 Use a cleaning pad to remove the  
residue from the lower part of the  
head unit, overꢁow sensor, and the  
7 Cleaning  
Disconnect the power and remove  
the power cord before cleaning or  
disassembling this appliance.  
Do not put the head unit in water.  
To prevent scalding, do not touch the  
head unit, perforated ꢁow cup, or the  
inner side of the chamber before they  
cool down.  
4 Use a dry cloth to clean the head  
unit handle, control panel, upper  
plug, upper plug connector, base, and  
power cord connector.  
1 After disconnecting the power, lift  
the head unit, rinse the lower part of  
the head unit, overꢁow sensor, blade,  
perforated ꢁow cup, and inner side of  
the chamber.  
5 The outside of the chamber can be  
cleaned with a damp cloth.  
Easy clean  
2 After the head unit cools down,  
remove the perforated ꢁow cup.  
Rotate the perforated ꢁow cup and  
remove it, as shown in the illustration.  
Take care of the sharp blade.  
After processing is complete, if you  
cannot promptly clean the residue on  
the appliance, the residue will dry up  
and stick on the appliance, difꢀcult to  
remove. As this happens, you can use  
the easy clean function to heat and  
soak the inner side of the chamber  
and clean the appliance easier.  
16 EN  
To prevent the residue from smelling,  
clean the appliance within 10 hours  
after use.  
8 Product  
1 Make sure that the perforated ꢁow  
cup is correctly installed before use.  
2 Pour water into the chamber.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎ (the  
minimum level indication).  
Product information is subject to  
change without prior notice.  
Rated voltage: 220 V-  
Rated frequency: 50 Hz  
Motor power: 180 W  
Heating power: 900 W  
Dimensions (L x W x H)  
3 Put the head unit into the chamber.  
Make sure that the upper plug is  
correctly inserted into the connector.  
4 Open the protective cover, insert the  
Soymilk maker:  
231.5 x 180.0 x 314.2 mm  
Packaging: 230 x 230 x 345 mm  
power cord, and connect the power.  
» The indicators ꢁash in a circle,  
indicating that the power is  
Net weight: 2.45 kg  
5 Press ၢ౦༥ (Easy clean).  
Gross weight: 3.07 kg  
» The ၢ౦༥ (Easy clean) indicator  
lights up and 1 beep occurs,  
Capacity: 1000-1200 ml (for 2-4 people)  
indicating that the easy clean  
function starts. After about 8  
minutes, beeps occur and the 
ቘᇓ (Working) indicator lights  
up, indicating that the eay clean  
function is complete.  
6 Clean the appliance as instructed in  
the “Cleaning” section.  
EN 17  
9 Recycling  
10 Guarantee and  
Do not throw away the appliance  
If you have a problem, need service or  
need information, see  
Philips Consumer Care Centre in your  
country. The phone number is  
4008 800 008.  
with the normal household waste  
at the end of its life, but hand it in  
at an ofꢀcial collection point for recycling.  
By doing this, you help to preserve the  
18 EN  
11 Troubleshooting  
This chapter summarizes the most common problems you could encounter with the  
appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, contact the  
Philips Consumer Care Centre in your country.  
The indicators do  
not light up.  
Possible cause  
The upper plug is not plugged Make sure that the head unit is  
correctly. put into the chamber correctly.  
Too much ingredient is added. Put proper quantity of ingredient  
evenly at the bottom of the  
chamber as instructed.  
There is water in the head unit Contact the Philips Consumer  
or the indicators are broken.  
Care Centre.  
The indicators light  
up but the appliance  
does not work.  
You do not press
 (Start). Press 
The power is disconnected  
during processing.  
Follow the instructions in this  
user manual.  
The appliance is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
Processing will not  
The appliance is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
The buttons do not The appliance is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
The beans or rice is The voltage is too low.  
not ground well.  
Use a household power  
Too many beans are added.  
Put proper quantity of ingredient  
as instructed in the "Use the  
appliance" section.  
Insufꢀcient water is added.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎  
(the minimum level indication).  
The machine is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
EN 19  
Possible cause  
A wrong function was selected. Select a correct function.  
Installation was incorrect or the Make sure that the perforated  
perforated ꢁow cup was not  
installed into place.  
ꢁow cup is correctly installed.  
Soymilk is too diluted or too  
many beans are added.  
Put proper quantity of ingredient  
as instructed in the “Use the  
appliance” section.  
The water level is above  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎  
ഌට໎ (the maximum level  
indication) or below ༳ට໎  
(the minimum level indication). (the minimum level indication).  
The appliance is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
The overꢁow sensor is not  
Clean the overꢁow sensor.  
The time taken to  
process soymilk  
The voltage is too low.  
Use a household power  
Add warm water no hotter  
than 70§.  
is longer than  
The water temperature is  
too low.  
instructed, but other  
functions work well.  
Food is burnt.  
A wrong function is selected.  
Select a correct function.  
The inner side of the chamber Clean the inner side of the  
was not cleaned.  
Insufꢀcient water is added.  
Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎  
(the minimum level indication).  
Too much ingredient is added. Put proper quantity of ingredient  
as instructed in the “Use the  
appliance” section.  
20 EN  
Possible cause  
The beeps occur  
before soymilk is  
Too much ingredient is added. Make sure that the water level is  
between ഌට໎ (the maximum  
level indication) and ༳ට໎  
(the minimum level indication).  
The appliance is broken.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
The sea level of your region is This appliance can only be used  
too high.  
in regions no more than 2000 m  
above mean sea level.  
The appliance begins The appliance is broken.  
stirring once you  
press any button.  
Contact the Philips Consumer  
Care Centre.  
EN 21  
12 Recipes  
Five grain soymilk  
For more recipes, you can visit  
Philips MyKitchen website  
For details on cooking, see the  
“Make ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
Classic ꢀve-grain soymilk  
15 g of soybeans (around 1/5 cup)  
For details on cooking, see the  
"Make Soymilk" section.  
20 g of rice (around 1/5 cup)  
20 g of millet (around 1/5 cup)  
15 g of oats (around 1/5 cup)  
10 g of wheat  
Cooking: Wash the ingredients and  
soak for 6 hours. For details, see the  
“Make ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
75 g of dry soybeans (a full cup)  
Soybean: Nourishing. G.ood  
Millet: Rich in female hormones.  
Good for skin and longevity.  
for digestion. Helpful to reduce  
phlegm and control blood  
Oat: Helpful to reduce cholesterol  
and control blood sugar.  
Black soyean milk  
Black rice and soybean milk  
85 g black soybeans (a full cup)  
50 g of black rice (around 1/2 cup)  
30 g of soybeans (around 1/2 cup)  
some black sesame seeds  
some sugar  
Black soybean: Good for the  
kidneys, lungs, and hair. Known  
for their detoxing properties.  
Cooking: Wash the black rice and  
soybeans and soak for 6 hours. For  
details, see the “Make ꢀve-grain  
soymilk” section.  
Black rice: Good for the blood  
and complexion.  
22 EN  
Soybean: Good for digestion.  
Helpful to reduce phlegm and  
control blood pressure.  
Sweet potato and soybean milk  
40 g of sweet potato (around  
1/2 cup)  
Rice and soybean milk  
35 g of soybeans (around 1/2 cup)  
Cooking: Wash the soybeans and  
soak for 6 hours. Remove the sweet  
potato skin and cut the sweet potato  
into 1.3-mm cubes. For details, see  
the “Make ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
30 g of soybeans (around  
1/2 cup)  
50 g of rice (around 1/2 cup)  
some sugar  
Cooking: Wash the red beans and  
millet and soak for 6 hours. For details,  
see the “Make ꢀve-grain soymilk”  
Soybean: Good for digestion.  
Helpful to reduce phlegm and  
control blood pressure.  
Sweet potato: Rich in nutrients.  
Helpful to increase appetite and  
strengthen the kidneys.  
Rice: Good for the spleen,  
stomach, and lungs.  
Soybean: Good for digestion.  
Helpful to reduce phlegm and  
control blood pressure.  
Foxnut and walnut paste  
50 g of foxnut (around 1/2 cup)  
ꢁesh of 10-15 walnuts  
5-10 Chinese dates (with stones  
some sugar  
Pumpkin soybean milk  
35 g of soybeans (around 1/2 cup)  
35 g of pumpkin (around 1/2 cup)  
Cooking: Wash the soybeans and  
soak for 6 hours. Remove the pumpkin  
skin and cut the pumpkin into 1.3-mm  
cubes. For details, see the “Make  
ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
Cooking: Wash the Chinese dates  
and foxnuts and soak for 6 hours.  
Chop Chinese dates and walnut ꢁesh  
into small pieces. For details, see the  
“Make ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
Soybean: Good for digestion.  
Helpful to reduce phlegm and  
control blood pressure.  
Foxnut: Good for the kidneys.  
Helpful to relieve the nerves.  
Walnut ꢁesh: Good for the  
kidneys, brain, lungs, and other  
respiratory organics.  
Chinese date: Good for the  
spleen, stomach, and respiratory  
organics. Helpful to enrich blood.  
Pumpkin: Detox. Helpful to  
control sugar levels and quench  
EN 23  
Mung bean and Job’s-tears paste  
Walnut ꢁesh: Good for the  
kidneys, brain, lungs, and other  
respiratory organics.  
35 g of Job’s-tears (around 2/5 cup)  
35 g of mung beans (around 2/5 cup)  
20 g of rice (around (1/5 cup)  
10 g of oats (around 1/5 cup)  
some sugar  
Cashew: Good for the blood,  
brain, kidney, and spleen.  
Chinese date: Good for the  
spleen, stomach, and respiratory  
organics. Helpful to enrich blood.  
Cooking: Wash and the ingredients  
and soak the Job’s-tears, mung beans,  
and rice for 6 hours. For details, see  
the “Make ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
Longan: Good for the blood,  
heart, brain, and spleen.  
Rice paste  
Mung bean: Diuretic. Good for  
eyes. Helpful to control blood  
pressure and prevent oedema.  
Job’s-tear: Helpful to reduce  
vascular disease, reduce  
cholesterol, and improve  
For details on cooking, see the  
“Make rice paste” section.  
Complete nutritious rice paste  
Walnut and cashew paste  
35 g of rice (around 1/2 cup)  
35 g of rice (around 2/5 cup)  
35 g of millet (around 2/5 cup)  
ꢁesh of 5 cashews  
ꢁesh of 5 walnuts  
5-10 Chinease dates (with stones  
15 g of millet (around 1/5 cup)  
10 g of black sesame seeds  
10 peanuts (with shells removed)  
ꢁesh of 5 walnuts  
5 Chinese dates (with stones  
5-10 longans (with stones  
some sugar  
Cooking: Wash rice and millet and  
soak for 6 hours. Chop walnut ꢁesh  
into small pieces. For details, see the  
“Make rice paste” section.  
Cooking: Wash rice and millet and  
soak for 6 hours. Chop walnut ꢁesh,  
Chinese dates, and longans into small  
pieces. For details, see the Make  
ꢀve-grain soymilk” section.  
Millet: Rich in female hormones.  
Good for the skin and longevity.  
Black sesame seed: Good for the  
kidneys, liver, lungs, and blood.  
24 EN  
Peanut: Good for the spleen and  
Walnut ꢁesh: Good for the  
kidneys, brain, lungs, and other  
respiratory organics.  
Chinese date: Good for the  
spleen, stomach, and respiratory  
organics. Helpful to enrich blood.  
Yam: Good for the spleen and  
stomach. Helpful to end diarrhea.  
Chinese date: Good for the  
spleen, stomach, respiratory  
system, and blood.  
Sweet potato and pumpkin rice paste  
Job’s-tears and lily rice paste  
30 g of sweet potato (around  
1/2 cup)  
35 g of Job’s-tears (around 2/5 cup)  
20 g of pumpkin (around 1/3 cup)  
35 g of rice (around 1/3 cup)  
35 g of millet (around 1/3 cup)  
35 g of rice (around 2/5 cup)  
20 g of fresh lily bulbs  
some sugar  
Cooking: Wash millet and rice and  
soak for 6 hours. Remove the skin of  
sweet potato and pumpkin and cut  
them into 1.3-cm cubes. For details,  
see the “Make rice paste” section.  
Cooking: Wash the Job’s-tears and  
rice and soak for 6 hours. Wash and  
chop fresh lily bulbs into small pieces.  
For details, see the “Make rice paste”  
Sweet potato: Rich in nutrients.  
Helpful to increase positive  
energy, improve appetite, and  
strengthen the kidneys.  
Pumpkin: Helpful to increase  
positive energy, relieve pain,  
decrease toxicity, control sugar  
levels, and quench thirst.  
Job’s-tear: Helpful to make the  
skin beautiful and fair.  
Lily bulb: Helpful to make the skin  
beautiful and fair.  
Yam and Chinese date rice paste  
Millet: Rich in female hormones.  
Good for skin and longevity.  
50 g of rice (around 1/2 cup)  
30 g of yam  
5-10 Chinese dates (with stones  
Almond rice paste  
some crystal sugar  
50 g of rice (around 1/2 cup)  
40 g of almonds  
some crystal sugar  
Cooking: Wash the Chinese dates  
and rice and soak for 6 hours.  
Remove the skin of the yam and cut  
the yam into 1.3-cm cubes. For details,  
see the “Make rice paste” section.  
Cooking: Wash rice and soak for 6  
hours. For details, see the “Make rice  
paste” section.  
EN 25  
Almond: Good for skin and  
complexion. Helpful to eliminate  
blemishes, freckles, and dark  
For details on cooking, see the  
“Make juice” section.  
Banana milkshake  
400 g of banana  
300 ml of milk  
Cooking: Remove the skin of the  
bananas and cut them into 1.3-cm  
cubes. For details, see the “Make  
juice” section.  
Cucumber juice  
One cucumber (around 200 g)  
Cooking: Cut the cucumber into  
1.3-cm cubes. For details, see the  
“Make juice” section.  
26 EN  
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All rights reserved.  

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