Nokia Computer Monitor LS 2 User Manual

User Guide for  
Nokia Fitness Monitor LS-2  
Issue 1  
FOR YOUR SAFETY ................................................................................................5  
Overview ................................................................................................................6  
First day of using Nokia Fitness Monitor.............................................................................................. 6  
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7  
1. Parts and keys....................................................................................................9  
2. Getting started ................................................................................................10  
Charging Nokia Fitness Monitor ...........................................................................................................10  
Switching Nokia Fitness Monitor on and off ....................................................................................10  
Using the menu and inserting data......................................................................................................11  
Attaching Nokia Fitness Monitor..........................................................................................................12  
List of menu functions.............................................................................................................................13  
3. Using Nokia Fitness Monitor..........................................................................15  
Selecting an activity.................................................................................................................................15  
Adding and removing activities.............................................................................................................16  
Viewing data...............................................................................................................................................16  
Setting goals...............................................................................................................................................17  
Personal information................................................................................................................................18  
General settings.........................................................................................................................................19  
Using stopwatch and timer ....................................................................................................................20  
Transferring data .......................................................................................................................................21  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
4. Technical specifications..................................................................................22  
5. Battery information.........................................................................................23  
Charging and Discharging.......................................................................................................................23  
CARE AND MAINTENANCE.................................................................................24  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
Read these simple guidelines. Not following them may be dangerous or illegal. Read the  
complete user guide for further information.  
Before beginning a regular exercise program consult your physician or doctor.  
Only qualified personnel may repair this product.  
When connecting to any other device, read its user guide for detailed safety  
instructions. Do not connect incompatible products.  
Your device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
Thank you for purchasing Nokia Fitness Monitor!  
First day of using Nokia Fitness Monitor  
1. Charge Nokia Fitness Monitor over night: open the charging connector cover  
at the bottom of Nokia Fitness Monitor and attach the charger to the monitor  
and to a wall socket.  
Check the model number of any charger before use with this device. This device  
is intended for use when supplied with power from ACP-12 charger.  
Warning: Use only chargers approved by Nokia for use with this  
particular device. The use of any other types will invalidate any  
approval or warranty applying to the device, and may be dangerous.  
For availability of approved chargers, please check with your dealer. When you  
disconnect the power cord of any accessory, grasp and pull the plug, not the  
2. Switch Nokia Fitness Monitor on by pressing and holding  
. The monitor  
asks if you want to define your personal information for more accurate  
distance and calory consumption calculations. In addition, you should define a  
language for the device, and the current time and date.  
Press Yes to define the information (see Personal information on page 18) or  
No to use the default settings.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
3. Attach Nokia Fitness Monitor to your belt or waist band and go about your  
daily activities. The Automatic activity is selected by default.  
The monitor automatically gathers information about your calory  
consumption, the amount of steps you take, and the distance you travel. The  
monitor recognises whether you are walking, running, or static.  
Warning: Exercise may include some risk, especially for those who  
have been sedentary. Before beginning a regular exercise program  
consult your physician or doctor.  
4. During the day, press  
to compare the data about your accumulated  
activities against your daily goal.  
5. In the evening, when you go, for example, running, change the activity type  
from Automatic to Running. Press Activity, select Running and press Start.  
6. After the run, return to the Automatic mode. Press Stop and  
scroll through the results of the Running session. Press Exit to store the result.  
7. When you go to bed, switch Nokia Fitness Monitor off by pressing and holding  
Nokia Fitness Monitor LS-2 tracks your activity level throughout the day.  
Attached to your waistband or belt, Nokia Fitness Monitor estimates the distance  
you have covered, the time you have spent in an activity, and how many calories  
you have burned. Set a fitness goal for yourself, or just keep yourself informed  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
about your daily, weekly, and monthly activities. Nokia Fitness Monitor helps you  
reach whatever fitness level you desire.  
Nokia Fitness Monitor is easy to use, since it has display and menu functions  
similar to Nokia phones. In addition, you can transfer the stored  
activity data from Nokia Fitness Monitor to a compatible Nokia phone using an  
infrared (IR) connection.  
Read this user guide carefully before using Nokia Fitness Monitor.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
1. Parts and keys  
Nokia Fitness Monitor contains the following parts and keys.  
1. IR port  
2. Power on/off key  
3. Display  
4. Selection keys and  
The function of the selection keys  
depends on the guiding text shown on  
the display next to the keys, for example,  
Menu and Activity in the standby mode.  
5. Scroll keys  
6. Charging connector cover  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
2. Getting started  
Charging Nokia Fitness Monitor  
1. Open the charger connector cover.  
2. Connect the lead from the charger to the  
3. Connect the charger to a wall socket.  
The charging time is approximately 2.5  
hours. If Nokia Fitness Monitor is switched  
on, the charging icon on the display stops  
moving when the device is fully charged.  
The Nokia Fitness Monitor battery lasts longer if you switch the monitor off during  
the night, instead of charging the device each day.  
Note: Nokia Fitness Monitor has a rechargeable battery that is not  
designed to be replaced by a consumer. For service of Nokia Fitness  
Monitor, take it to the nearest authorised service facility.  
Switching Nokia Fitness Monitor on and off  
To switch Nokia Fitness Monitor on, press and hold  
To switch Nokia Fitness Monitor off, press and hold  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
If Nokia Fitness monitor crashes and does not respont to any key presses, boot it  
by pressing and  
When you switch Nokia Fitness Monitor on for the first time, it asks if you want to  
define your personal information. See Personal information on page 18. The  
personal information enables Nokia Fitness Monitor to calculate the distance you  
have covered and your calory consumption more accurately. In addition, you  
should define a language for the device, and the current time and date.  
If you do not define the personal information, Nokia Fitness Monitor asks again if  
you want to do it when you turn the decive on for the second and third time.  
Using the menu and inserting data  
Nokia Fitness Monitor functions are grouped into menus.  
1. To access the menu, press Menu.  
2. Scroll through the menu by pressing  
and select, for example,  
GOALS by pressing Select.  
3. Select the function of your choice.  
4. Press Back to return to the previous menu level, and Exit to exit the menu. You  
can always return to the standby mode by pressing and holding Back.  
To insert data, such as the goals or your personal information:  
1. Access the applicable menu.  
2. Press  
to scroll through the numbers until the number you need is  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
3. Press > to move the cursor to the next number.  
If you make a mistake, press > until the cursor reaches the maximum length of  
the data and reverts to the first number.  
4. When you have inserted all the data, press OK to save the information.  
Attaching Nokia Fitness Monitor  
You can attach Nokia Fitness Monitor to your belt or waist band. Lift the clip (1)  
from the back of Nokia Fitness Monitor and clamp the belt under the clip. Make  
sure that Nokia Fitness Monitor sits firmly on your side against your waist or hip. If  
you attach Nokia Fitness Monitor to a pocket of loosely fitting trousers, it is not  
able to sense your movements.  
Note: Make sure that Nokia Fitness Monitor is attached so that the IR  
port is on top. If you attach the monitor upside down, the collected data  
may be incorrect.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
List of menu functions  
1. Today  
2. This week  
3. This month  
2. GOALS  
1. Daily goal  
2. One time goal  
3. Default goals  
1. Gender  
2. Date of birth  
3. Height  
4. Weight  
5. BMI and BMR  
6. Walking Step  
7. Running Step  
1. Time  
2. Date  
1. The RESULTS menu also contains submenus for the last 11 months starting from the  
month you first used Nokia Fitness Monitor.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
3. Energy  
4. Measurement  
5. Language  
6. Tone  
7. Factory settings  
1. Stopwatch  
2. Timer  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
3. Using Nokia Fitness Monitor  
In the standby mode, press  
to quickly compare your activities against your  
goals. Press  
repeatedly to view a comparison against your daily goal for the  
current day, for the last seven days and last four weeks, and the current situation  
against your one-time goal.  
Selecting an activity  
When you switch Nokia Fitness Monitor on, the Automatic activity is selected by  
When Automatic is selected, Nokia Fitness Monitor automatically recognises  
whether you are walking, running, or standing still, and so records your fitness  
data accordingly. The Automatic option allows you to record your daily  
movements without having to change the activity settings every time you sit  
down or start walking.  
To select an activity other than Automatic:  
1. Press Activity, and select the activity you are going to perform.  
2. Press Start, attach Nokia Fitness Monitor to your belt or waist band, and start  
the activity.  
3. When you want to end the activity, press Stop.  
to view the statistics for the activity session.  
4. Press Resume to resume the activity or Exit to return to the Automatic activity.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
Adding and removing activities  
You can manage the list of activities according to your needs. You can add the  
activities you need, and remove them later, if necessary. By default, only walking  
and running are present in the activity list when you switch Nokia Fitness Monitor  
on for the first time.  
The Automatic activity is never listed, since it is always available by default.  
1. Press Activity to access the activity list.  
2. Select Add or Remove.  
If you select Add, Nokia Fitness Monitor displays a list of activities that are not  
currently in the activity list. If you select Remove, Nokia Fitness Monitor  
displays a list of activities that are currently in the activity list.  
3. Scroll through the list and select the activity you want to add or remove.  
Important: When you remove an activity, the stored results for that  
activity remain in the memory and can be transferred to a compatible  
phone. However, you cannot view the results in the RESULTS menu.  
You cannot remove the Walking and Running activities from the list.  
Viewing data  
You can view your fitness statistics for the current day, current week, current  
month and for the last 11 months.  
The data gathered more than a year ago is automatically erased.  
1. Press Menu, select RESULTS and scroll to the time period you want.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
The total calories, steps and distance for the selected time period are displayed.  
2. Press View and scroll to view the statistics for each activity type separately.  
Tip: You can quickly compare your activities against your goals in the  
standby mode. Press  
current day. The progress bar around the step number shows how close you  
are to achieving your daily goal. Press again once to see the distance  
to see how many steps you have taken during the  
you have moved and twice to see the calories you have burned during the  
current day.  
Continue to press  
to see a graphical comparison of your last seven  
days’ and last four weeks’ activities against your daily goal. The bars  
represent your activities for each day (or week), and the horizontal line on  
the display represents your daily goal (or daily goal multiplied by seven).  
once more to see the current situation against your one-time  
Setting goals  
You can set an on-going daily goal, and a one-time goal for a single activity  
session. You can set your goals to be a certain amount of used energy, or a certain  
distance, or a number of steps.  
When you reach your one-time goal, Nokia Fitness Monitor beeps and displays a  
notification. When you confirm the notification by presssing OK, the monitor  
turns the one-time goal off. Define a new one-time goal to activate it again.  
1. Press Menu, and select GOALS and Daily goal or One time goal.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
2. Press Select, and select the goal type you want.  
3. Set the goal, see Using the menu and inserting data on page 11.  
Note that you cannot set the daily goal to 0.  
To restore the default goals, press Menu, and select GOALS and Default goals.  
Press Yes to confirm. There is no default one-time goal, and the default daily goal  
is 10.000 steps.  
Personal information  
You can define personal information with Nokia Fitness Monitor for more precise  
information. Your personal information enables Nokia Fitness Monitor to  
calculate your calory consumption more accurately. In addition, you can define  
your walking and running step lengths for more exact information. A correctly  
defined step length ensures improved accuracy about the distance you have  
walked or run. For even more detailed distance information, you can calibrate your  
step length.  
If you do not define your personal information, Nokia Fitness Monitor uses  
predefined default values.  
Press Menu and select PERS INFO. Access the submenus under PERS INFO one by  
one, press Change and define your gender, date of birth, weight, and height. In the  
Walking Step and Running Step submenus, press Change and select Enter and  
define your step length for walking or running. For more information, see Using  
the menu and inserting data on page 11.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
You can calibrate your step length for even more accurate measuring. Measure a  
100 metre distance, press Menu and select PERS INFO and Walking Step or  
Running Step. Press Change, select Calibrate and press Start. You have  
approximately seven seconds to attach Nokia Fitness Monitor to your belt, before  
the device beeps. After the beep, start walking or running. When you have covered  
the 100 metres, stop and wait for approximately three seconds. The device beeps  
to show that the calibration is ready. You may also detach the device from your  
belt and press Stop to finish the calibration.  
To restore the default step length, press Menu, and select PERS INFO and Walking  
Step or Running Step. Press Change and select Default.  
After you have defined your gender, age, height and weight, Nokia Fitness Monitor  
automatically calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI) and Basal Metabolism Rate  
(BMR). The BMR shows how many calories your metabolism burns automatically  
even if you do not move at all. You can view these values in the BMI and BMR  
submenu under PERS INFO. When Nokia Fitness Monitor displays how many  
calories you have burned during your fitness activities, it only displays the calories  
that you have burned in addition to your BMR.  
Nokia Fitness Monitor is designed for one-person use only. You can only store one  
set of personal information at a time.  
General settings  
Press Menu, and select SETTINGS. Access the submenus under SETTINGS one by  
one, and select the current time and date, energy and measurement units, display  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
language and tones the Nokia Fitness Monitor plays. For more information, see  
Using the menu and inserting data on page 11.  
To reset the factory settings, press Menu, and select SETTINGS and Factory  
Using stopwatch and timer  
Using the stopwatch increases the demand on battery power and reduces the battery life.  
1. Press Menu, select EXTRAS and scroll to Stopwatch.  
2. Press Start to start timing.  
3. Press Split to record a split time and Stop to stop timing.  
After you have stopped timing, you can press Resume to continue timing with  
the existing split times or Exit to delete the existing split times.  
1. Press Menu, select EXTRAS and scroll to Timer.  
2. Press Set and enter the timer value.  
When the timer expires, Nokia Fitness Monitor beeps, flashes and displays a  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
Transferring data  
You can transfer data between Nokia Fitness Monitor and a compatible mobile  
1. Press Menu, and select DATATRANS.  
2. Press Activate to activate the IR port of Nokia Fitness Monitor.  
3. Direct the IR ports of Nokia Fitness Monitor and the receiving compatible  
phone toward each other, and ensure that there are no obstructions between  
the devices. The maximum allowed distance is up to 0.5 metres and the  
transmission angle is 45.  
Do not point the IR (infrared) beam at anyone's eye or allow it to interfere with  
other IR devices. This device is a Class 1 laser product.  
4. Activate the transfer from the phone. For more information, refer to the user  
guide of the phone.  
All the data stored in Nokia Fitness Monitor is transferred to the phone. When  
the transfer is ready, Nokia Fitness Monitor displays a success notification.  
5. The IR port deactivates automatically after a while, but if you want to  
deactivate it immediately, press Deactivate.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
4. Technical specifications  
• Weight: 40 g  
• Dimensions (diameter, thickness): 57 mm, 22 mm  
• Operation time: 32 h  
• Charging time: 2.5 h  
• Operating temperature: from -15°C to 55°C  
• Compatibility: Nokia Series 40 phones with IR connection and Fitness Coach  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
5. Battery information  
Charging and Discharging  
Your device is powered by a rechargeable battery. The full performance of a new battery is  
achieved only after two or three complete charge and discharge cycles. The battery can be  
charged and discharged hundreds of times but it will eventually wear out.  
Note: This device has a rechargeable battery that is not designed to be replaced by  
a consumer. For service of Nokia Fitness Monitor, take it to the nearest authorized  
service facility.  
Recharge your battery only with Nokia approved chargers designated for this device.  
Unplug the charger from the electrical plug and the device when not in use. Do not leave the  
battery connected to a charger. Overcharging may shorten its lifetime. If left unused, a fully  
charged battery will lose its charge over time. Temperature extremes can affect the ability of  
your battery to charge.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  
Your device is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should be treated with  
care. The suggestions below will help you protect your warranty coverage.  
Keep the device dry. Precipitation, humidity and all types of liquids or moisture can  
contain minerals that will corrode electronic circuits.  
Do not use or store the device in dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts and electronic  
components can be damaged.  
Do not store the device in hot areas. High temperatures can shorten the life of electronic  
devices, damage batteries, and warp or melt certain plastics.  
Do not store the device in cold areas. When the device returns to its normal temperature,  
moisture can form inside the device and damage electronic circuit boards.  
Do not attempt to open the device. Non-expert handling may damage it.  
Do not drop, knock, or shake the device. Rough handling can break internal circuit boards  
and fine mechanics.  
Do not use harsh chemicals, cleaning solvents, or strong detergents to clean the device.  
Do not paint the device. Paint can clog the moving parts and prevent proper operation.  
All of the above suggestions apply equally to your device and charger. If any device is not  
working properly, take it to the nearest authorized service facility for service.  
Copyright © 2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.  

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